Using YAML file to create PyTorch model

Soooo. I was working on tuning a model for my college research thesis. I was already using YAML files to control parameters such as learning rates, dropout rates, so on. But, I also wanted to tune the model while changing the number of layers and neurons. Everytime, I was modifying the code to change and tune my model architecture. I thought, what if I could change the model architecture using config files? That would save me a lot of time, and also help me track changes. I know I can track my code changes using git, but swapping YAML files is for faster and efficient than creating multiple branches for quick prototyping and testing.

So lets get started!

I wrote a small module to achieve this:

import torch.nn as nn
import yaml

class TorchFromYAML:
        Create and load torch model using YAML files.

            config_file (str): yaml file path 
    def __init__(self, config_file):
        self.config_file = config_file
        self.config = self.load_config()
        self.SUPPORTED_MODELS = {"Sequential": self.load_sequential}

    def build_model_from_config(self):
            builds model from config file

                torch model
            return self.SUPPORTED_MODELS[self.config["type"]]()
            ValueError(f"Unsupported model type: {self.config['type']}")

    def load_sequential(self):
            Loads sequential model from config file.

                sequential torch model
        layers = []
        for layer_config in self.config["layers"]:
            layer_type = getattr(nn, layer_config["type"])
            parameters = {key: value for key, value in list(layer_config.items())[1:]}
            layer = layer_type(**parameters)
        return nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def load_config(self):
            load config file

                dictionary for YAML file.
        with open(self.config_file, "r") as f:
            config = yaml.safe_load(f)
        return config['model']

The trick is to use the builtin getattr function in python. The code is pretty much self explanatory after that. For my first iteration, I only consider sequential model because I can use multiple sequential models in my code in different part of the overall model architecture.

The YAML file should be in the following format:


  type: Sequential
    - type: Linear
      in_features: 64
      out_features: 128
    - type: ReLU
    - type: Linear
      in_features: 128
      out_features: 10

To use the class, it is simple!

model_builder = TorchFromYAML("your_model_config.yaml")
model = model_builder.build_model_from_config()

I hope you enjoyed it! It's a short article this time, but I really hope you find it useful for prototyping. You can check out my git repository here: